Monday, November 22, 2010

What's new with you...

Just a snippet to say...the HOARD is getting dispersed. We have started to actually go through all our junk we had in storage and then our garage and now....I see why I love the show HOARDERS. So much.

I'm a sentimental hoarder. Knowing is half the battle. Giving it away and letting go is the second.

What I'm most struck by is the amount of junk. What I'm most upset about is how American I am. And lastly...what is most joyous to me is realizing...uh, stuff doesn't make you happy and you don't need most of it, heck I don't even want most of it.

I let go of the VW Bugs collection I've had since high school. I want the real thing.

I let go of all the kids' baby toys...they're too old and someone else can enjoy them.

I'm even letting go of my horse books. Oh and there are many, many.

What I'm not letting go of are pictures. Nope. Not gonna do it. So much of this stuff is from college and my old room at home. It's amazing what memories are conjured up. The good and the bad and well, the sad. But I'm sifting and getting my house in order.

We're also really starting to get the house close to being 'done' done. You know, like have people over and just celebrate done...we're not 'there' there but we're so close I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :)

I'll post some pics in a follow up post. For now, I must become more productive and clean up and stuff...Thanksgiving is upon us and well, I'm hosting for half of it! ;)