Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is where we are isn't it?

An Excerpt from Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller

The Golden Cow

"When the church began to doubt its own integrity after the Darwinian attack on Genesis 1 and 2, we began to answer science, not by appealing to something greater, the realm of beauty and art and spirituality, but by attempting to translate spiritual realities through scientific equations, those justifying ourselves to culture, as if culture had some  kind of authority to redeem us in the first place.  Terms such as "absolute truth" and "inherency" (a term used only to describe Scripture in the last one hundred years or so) became a battle cry, even though the laws of absolute truth must, by their nature, exclude ideas such as Jesus is the Word, He is both God and Man, the Trinity is both three and One, we are united with Him in His death, because these are mysterious ideas, not scientific ideas.

In fact, much of the biblical truth must go out the window when you approach it through the scientific method.  God does not live within the philosophical science He made, any more than He is bound by the natural realities of gravity.  "

And it goes on....

This book is rocking my world...more than any other book I've read in recent history. I implore you,  yes implore you to read it, Friend.

1 comment:

crystal z said...

So excited you have a blog! I am fan of Donald Miller . . . he speaks my language. Seems you do too!