Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I feel the need to spill some thanksgiving today....

I am thankful for.....

1. Will, he makes me smile and laugh and I love him immeasurably

2. Rick...he loves me in ways I can't seem to wrap my mind around

3. The boys, they're happy, healthy and normal

4. Coffee is a God send and I will never abandon my addiction

5. My little VW, she's not snazzy but she's mine and she's a VW so that makes her wonderful

6. Fall, we're actually having Fall this year and I love it...need to transplant some mums

7. My house...although it's a major's gonna be great and I'm blessed to have it

8. Libby and that she lives so's wonderful that our children will grow up together

9. That my parents are both alive and healthy and happy

10. For the prospect of another trip to Europe...Prague or Paris, still debating!

11. Kindergarten, it's saving my life in the afternoons

12. Friends, I have so many and they are all wonderful

13. Sleep and books, my two favorite past times

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