Monday, January 4, 2010

It's only been 10 years....geez.

Well, we're going skiing. I can't believe it's been 10 years and dare I say, we look young in this photo. I'm pumped to hit the slopes again and secretly hoping I don't injure myself ;). I can't handle injury and well, it'll mess up my running. You should see how funny I am when I wear something with a heel on it to anywhere that has stairs. I know I look silly taking my time but stairs and I don't get along often. Just take a look at my medical records. I've tripped up and down them, several, several times. Then there was the dog that totally...well, anyway, weak ankles. A story for another time.

We head to Angel Fire this year and I've never been there. I used to be somewhat of an avid skier. I skied nearly every year. Not to the extent that my Sis did who actually lived in Colorado right out of college. Man, was she smart...but I did go as much as a Texan could aspire to.

I'm really excited about this trip though...really excited.

I'm in my almost mid 30s now and it's suddenly striking me that although I'm loving my 30s far more than my 20s...I'm aging. I am. I am bound and determined to take the attitude that that is a beautiful thing. But man, we get bombarded with so much air brushed, botoxed garbage, rail thin, anorexic looking stuff it's hard sometimes. I have one grandmother who has taken age in stride she's 85 and another who since I was a very little girl told me (she's 86), "Megan, don't ever get old."  I used to think at that young age, I want to, I want to grow up. We're always in a hurry at that age...but now I sort of get what she means...but I'm still not going to start up with the complaining. Sure, I'd like to improve some things, who wouldn't. But come on...we could all be in plastic surgery until the cows come home and then what...we look like Joan Rivers? (Sorry Joan, sorry but you did go a bit overboard)

Anywho, I'm hopping off that soapbox. I plan to age gracefully and happily. I just hope to be healthy and active...and do what God intended which is live life.

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  John 10:10

That's all.

Man...I can't get over how young we look. :)

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