Friday, June 11, 2010

Bigger Look

I've given myself over to researching commentaries on Luke 14. I've found many of them quite helpful. I have also stumbled upon some insights and other resources discussing possessions in relation to our walk as disciples. These have also helped me to see more clearly how we are to treat our possessions.

Here is one link that was particularly good:

Here are some others:

These commentaries point out that we are to hold all we have with open hands for Christ's bidding.

My deepest struggle has been what to do with what I have. Do I just up and give it all away?

I see a bigger picture here. Even those living at the lowest end of incomes in this country are exponentially 'richer' than most of the world. Just having been born in the USA gives one infinitely more wealth than others elsewhere. This isn't about becoming impoverished for Him. It's about having a proper perspective. Not serving our possessions, not being mastered by the almighty dollar and about using what we DO HAVE to further the gospel, love others, serve others, feed and clothe others.

I think my greatest revelation in all of this is seeing finally through His eyes how I've used my possessions or NOT used my possessions and wealth for Him. How I've clung to them as comfort, peace, happiness (although fleeting) and used them to fill myself up many times.

It's time to let go of that. As I've said prior my eyes have been opened and it's time to seek what He would have me do.

Of course, first of all, and as Rick also is feeling called, we will learn to live 'smaller' so we can give more. I'm still working on practicing this even before we have taken a step towards a smaller house, etc. I'm still learning to see how much we do have...lying in bed thanking Him for every piece of my life. I'm more thankful than I've been in years just seeing my life through this lens.

I'm also working on finding something or somewhere I can serve regularly and that my children can serve. Not just church...outside of that...somewhere where we are not 'blessing the blessed' and 'serving the saved' so to speak (from Jen Hatmaker).

I'm really working on considering how to do this, how to accomplish this shift so that it's a permanent one...I don't want to be like the men in Luke 14:28-32.

This change needs to be solid.

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