Friday, July 15, 2011

Back to Blogging....May 2011

C's graduation rehearsal

E's Baptism

Me and Elefante camping

The Tent

I haven't blogged in a long while and I really miss it I've decided. Plus, the days are floating past with no record of what's been done with them.

Some day I hope to publish all these blog entries as a journal to hold in my hands or for my children to hold in theirs. Until such time, I really need to stay on course documenting what's been going on with us.

I've really fallen down on the job. So short entries of just daily comings and goings are a must.

Sometimes I wax poetic on here but having nothing profound to say shouldn't stop me.

Above you'll find pictures from the end of May of this year. C graduated from Pre-Kindergarten and we couldn't have been prouder. He made such good memories this year. His teacher, Mrs. Robin, was absolutely wonderful. I was able to help out every Friday and see him in action. I also got to know Mrs. Robin fairly well and what a treasure she is! C seemed to really enjoy school and became quite good friends with Mrs. Robin's grand nephew, Sam. They were inseparable!

E was baptized Memorial Day weekend. R and I were extremely proud of him. He did such a great job in front of everyone and was very adamant that he wanted to do this. He actually accepted Christ at an earlier age in my opinion but we waited until we felt confident he understood what he was doing. We are so blessed to not only call him our son but now our brother in Christ. Hallelujah!

We celebrated by going camping. Still my least favorite thing in the world to do. Once again, I ended up using the restroom outside in the middle of the night and not sleeping a wink due to the noise of the wind and in my opinion unsuitable lodging. I just can't help's not my thing. Sure I love the cook out, sure I love being outside...but can't we just go home and sleep in our houses with beds and plumbing afterwards???

I baby sat Elefante (C's doll) while they set up the tent...the four of them managed quite well if you ask me.

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