Friday, July 22, 2011

CJ and Me

Today marks 2 years without CJ. Being my roommate, I sort of feel a hole in my memories now at college. When I think of OBU, I think of CJ. We lived together 3 out of our 4 years there. We were instant best friends. We only fought one time that I can think of and now that I think about it, she was probably right.

Cindy went to OBU to be a pastor. She was Lutheran and they allowed that at her church ;). Of course, those good ole Southern Baptist Boys gave her a run for her money and she ultimately changed majors. I wish she hadn't.

Cindy had the biggest heart. Huge, in fact. She always had time for others. She always had time to give and something to add. I think she learned her encouraging side from her mother who incessantly filled my mail box at OBU with notes, letters, stickers and little tokens of love. Jane was the best at making you feel loved when so far away from home.

Cindy and spent a lot of time talking about boys and life and our dreams after college. We spent many late nights rambling around Shawnee. Most of my memories of hanging out and staying up, studying and living life are wrapped around her.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of her passing. It still shocks me to the core that she's gone. Although I know it's bittersweet to lose her, I can't help but think how happy she must be right now. Those of us left behind aren't any where near being that happy and never will be here on this little planet.

So today I hope to stop and think about how short and sweet life is. She'll always be there in my heart and she'll always be the one who stood by me those four years. I miss you CJ. I do.

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