Friday, July 15, 2011


Okay, these pics are mostly in order of occurrence...well, sort of. It's been a jumbled several weeks, but here's the skinny. We spent a lot and I mean a lot of time with Aunt BB and the cousins.

E's first year to light his own fireworks, if he wasn't lighting them, he was blowing up the ones he'd already lit...this was extreme fun!

An errant paratrooper landed on the lake house on fire, luckily he chose a spot where L could get to him and douse him with water! Whew!

The twins, they hid mostly behind the glass door, but on occasion chose to run out and do a sparkler!

W was in love with this rocket. He actually took it back inside so we couldn't light it, but we found it and his response upon it taking off..."Wow!"

Here is L and I at local fireworks...this was the best pic of the bunch...we are goofing off of course and I have a severe sunburn...the mark of a good time!

Our final project at the lake house...L and I spent two weeks up there, mostly L doing the work but this was my main contribution. We hunted those plates down at various locations one of which I swear belonged to a hoarder in Grove...I kid you not. It was a bit scary.

Lake Thunderbird...the wind was so high it was like being at the beach.

Smo's (yes, Smo's, not Smores) in L's backyard

W at the Jenks Aquarium, we found Nemo

W with shoes in place, Lake Thunderbird

The Twins

Being The Twins

June (and the first part of July) has been a whirlwind of activity. We did go to Branson but the trip was book-ended (did I just make up new terminology) with trips to Grand Lake and then a little local fun at Lake Thunderbird.

L and I had a blast taking the kiddos on these little excursions. We work quite well as a team. When on our own she takes the morning and I take the evening. I sleep late, she goes to bed earlier. I cook dinner, she handles breakfast. Man, what a team!

One thing I hope as I look back on June/July of this year is that our kids have wonderful memories to recall some day of their childhoods. L and I were reliving some of our favorite summer memories that centered around fireworks, the water and traveling with our Mom and Aunt Nancy. They've burned happiness and joy into our childhood memories. We hope we've added some more to our childrens' lives this year.

I feel so blessed and at times am so overwhelmed with the gift of L living close by and our children getting to grow up together. So many of their memories are wrapped around each other. God is so good to us.

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